Saturday, June 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by baristacmh.
I thought, for my initial posting, that something to do with music was most appropriate.
From the press kit for the project...
PARIS - November 15, 2004 - In a collaborative effort between renowned composer,
musician and humanitarian, Julian Civange, and the European Space Agency (ESA), four
songs, representing the first signs of humanity, will arrive on Titan, the major moon of
Saturn, aboard the Huygens probe, sent to study the origins of life and possibly forms of
extra-terrestrial life.

The European Huygens spacecraft will arrive on Titan, Saturn’s main moon, on January
14, 2005 after a long voyage of seven years and nearly four billion kilometres. While the
mission is focused on studying the origins of life, the Music2Titan project will for the
first time offer a glimpse of mankind to the furthest reaches of space.

“Music2Titan reflects a wish to highlight mankind’s existence in the universe through
music and to familiarize people with the spatial exodus and possible existence of extra-
terrestrial life,” said Julien Civange, producer, musician and initiator of Music2Titan. “It
also serves as a way to offer people hope for the future and to make music travel beyond
normal boundaries.”

Music, The Sound Paintings of Space
At the request of the ESA, four pieces of music “made on earth” were composed by the
French musicians Julien Civange and Louis Haéri, and were put on board the Huygens
probe in 1997. The ESA hoped that these pieces of music would arouse the interest of the
general public about this great adventure, and leave a trace of humankind in the

The four pieces of music lasting a total of 14 minutes are respectively called “Lalala,”
“Bald James Deans,” “Hot Time,” and “No Love” and will be available over the Internet,
to the public on the 21st December through an original distribution plan through a major
U.S.-based online music service.

The Cassini-Huygens Mission: A Journey to the Origins of Life
On 15th October 1997, the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft launched as a coordinated effort
between NASA, the ESA and the Italian Space Agency (ISA), beginning a mission to
explore Saturn, its rings, its satellites, and above all Titan, the largest and most
mysterious of its moons. Huygens will detach from Cassini at the end of December to
dive into the atmosphere of Titan, which it will reach on January 14, 2005 after seven
years and nearly four billion kilometres.

From there, a system of sophisticated instruments will provide scientists with vital data to
help understand this mysterious region. As the only moon in the solar system with its
own atmosphere, Titan is the best place to study “primordial soup,” the matter from
which life emerged on Earth.

While the public must wait to download and hear the pieces, Siliwood Music invites you
to visit the site where you can
directly follow the progress of the mission.

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